Monthly Archives: August 2016

Making O365 Work With An External SAML Identity Provider


Recently I was asked to integrate our Cobalt Identity Server with Office 365 (O365) using SAML 2.0 for web SSO. I managed to get everything working in the end but not without some confusion and frustration along the way. This post attempts to capture the issues that I encountered [...]

Making O365 Work With An External SAML Identity Provider2024-04-05T04:42:25+11:00

Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Cloud Identity Basket


I had the privilege of providing the keynote session at the inaugural Hybrid Cloud Identity Protection Conference ( in New York City last week, and it was gratifying to confer, converse, and otherwise hob-nob with my fellow hybrid cloud identity wizards. [...]

Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Cloud Identity Basket2023-07-23T22:46:40+10:00

7 Reasons Why Cloud Identity is Different


Here are 7 reasons why cloud identity is different: Accessibility, Scalability and performance, Efficiency, API support [...]

7 Reasons Why Cloud Identity is Different2023-07-23T22:47:38+10:00

Three Approaches To Cloud Identity Management


Writing Your Own Cloud Identity System, Using a Cloud-based Identity Service, Using Packaged Identity Software. [...]

Three Approaches To Cloud Identity Management2023-07-03T02:05:15+10:00
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